Triple P - Premium Perennial Powerhouse - Double Tine Innovations
Triple P - Premium Perennial Powerhouse - Double Tine Innovations
Triple P - Premium Perennial Powerhouse - Double Tine Innovations
Triple P - Premium Perennial Powerhouse - Double Tine Innovations

Double Tine Innovations

Triple P - Premium Perennial Powerhouse

Regular price $84.99
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Double Tine's Triple P is the foundation for every parcel nation wide! Triple P is a blend of chicory, high end clovers, and alfalfa. An excellent source of high protein forage with great mineral content and digestibility. This mix is a great variety for dormancy ratings for winter grazing and extremely cold tolerant. Whitetail deer seek out Triple P throughout the season and continuously come back for more! Want bigger bucks, healthier fawns, more productive does? Choose Triple P! 

--8-10LB 1 acre 43,500 sq ft/4,840 sq yd

--Planting Date: Frost Seed, April-May, August-September 15

--Soil Type: Clay and loam, pH of 6 or higher 

--Planting Note: Should be covered by less than 1/4'' after seeding, suggested winterizer fertilizer of 0-0-60 should be applied in the fall, frost seeding is suggested from February 15-March 15 for any bare spots and to provide fresh new growth. 

--Additional Notes: Plan on mowing this mix every 28-35 days, not mowing any lower than 4-6’’. Triple P can provide a great food source for up to and beyond 5 years with proper care. Frost seed additional clover each spring to ensure your plot stays full and provides fresh new growth. 

--Fertilizer Recommendation: 5-24-24 in spring, 0-0-60 in fall

--Contains: Ladino Clover, Medium Red Clover, White Dutch Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa, Chicory


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