Miscanthus X Giganteus - PREORDER ONLY
Miscanthus X Giganteus - PREORDER ONLY
Miscanthus X Giganteus - PREORDER ONLY
Miscanthus X Giganteus - PREORDER ONLY

Double Tine Innovations

Miscanthus X Giganteus - PREORDER ONLY

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125 Rhizomes = 17-20 Yds at 3 Rows / 9-12 Yds at 5 Rows


Miscanthus (Miscanthus X Giganteus)) is a "woody" perennial grass of Asian descent, that when established, will grow to at least 10' yearly. This grass is sterile triploid (three sets of chromosomes) formed by a natural cross of miscanthus sacchariflorus and miscanthus sinensis. Miscanthus Giganteus is a non-invasive grass that can be controlled because it has no viable seeds and runners underground. Rhizomes survive to negative 10°F in the ground.

It produces new shoots (stalks) annually which average 3/8" in diameter, with 4" average cluster spread. Because it is sterile it is propagated by rhizome division. The crop is established by planting pieces of the root (rhizomes), which are cut to about 4" in length. The cold hardy grass grows rapidly (C4 photosynthesis), has low nutrient requirements, has few pests or diseases and produces high yields.

The miscanthus photosynthetic mechanism appears to be better adapted to low temperatures than that of many other C4 crops, equipping it for high productivity under relatively cool temperatures. At full maturity it can yield up to 12 tons of dry material per acre (about fourth year on). There are higher yields being reported yearly. It shows great potential as a biomass crop. As with other bio-energy crops, the harvested dry stems may be used as fuel for heat, electricity or converted to ethanol.

Wildlife Cover

Miscanthus makes an excellent habitat for deer, turkey, quail, etc. (wildlife cover).

Miscanthus is being used heavily for screening roadsides, food plots, and field division.

Hedge screening can be planted with wide spacing to provide food plots between, preferably planted with a strong curve to add privacy in the plot.

Another idea is for screening your parking area and walkway to the hunting blind. Remember, every year these rows will expand approximately 4" in each direction.

A little bit of field planting can also promote bedding areas, but field planting is primarily used in the production of biomass.

Planting & Care

Keeping rhizomes fresh until planting - Each bag has a scoop of moist chopped miscanthus for moisture control. Rhizomes can be stored easily two weeks in a refrigerator or basement. Do not put rhizomes in the freezer. The cold slows the growth.

Establishing a Hedge Row - We suggest the following planting pattern to establish a hedge row/screen. The individual rhizomes should be planted in a double line. Each line would be 18" apart with the rhizomes planted down these lines also 18" apart staggered (See diagram below). 133 rhizomes are used per 100 feet (33 yds). Planting a third line of rhizomes on the hedge row will provide thicker screen coverage at a faster pace. This uses 200 rhizomes per 100 feet. We recommend 3-5 rows for screening purposes along roadways.

125 Rhizomes = 17-20 Yds at 3 Rows / 9-12 Yds at 5 Rows

Planting - The individual rhizomes should be planted 2-4" deep, horizontally with nothing above the ground. Any new growth on the rhizome, such as pink shoot or grass blade, can be planted above ground and in shallower soil with 1" of soil on top. A well-tilled bed does help the roots establish quicker but is not necessary. A ground temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit on average for planting is best. Soil only needs to be kept moist and warm, do no over water, this will cause them to rot before they root. Do not worry so much about grass competition, but more so with broad leaf weeds that block sunshine, just during the first year establishment. Second year growth will out pace everything. PH should be between 5.5 and 7.5.

Expected Growth - The first year growth of an individual rhizome is 1-3 stalks, 1-3' tall. The second year you will get an average of 7 stalks, 6-7' tall, and the third year the clusters diameter will be approximately 14", with about 25 stalks at full height (11+). By the fourth year, two rhizomes planted 18" apart will grow into each other. Rhizomes spread slower in heavy soil (clay) and a little faster spread with sandy loam.The heaviest growth is always on the new outside spread of the cluster.

Fertilizing/Maintenance - Fertilizing demands are low due to the plant's efficient nutrient use and its ability to pull nutrient back down to the rhizomes at the end of each growing season. But a yearly fertilization schedule will promote more growth in rhizomes and stalks. The better the soil, the better the growth./p>

We fertilize about 3 weeks after planting with a "triple" fertilizer. Keep the rate of application comparable to fertilizing new lawn installation. At the same time we spray 2-4D based herbicide to knock back the new weed seed germination that has taken place. Miscanthus is in the grass family like corn. Common corn herbicides that have been used successfully are; Dual, Atrazine, and 2,4-D.

It is not necessary at the end of year to cut down the dead stalks. Let the dead stalks accumulate to make the row look thicker for the next winter. It is a benefit to clean up (cut down) all the interior dead stalks approximately every 5 years, after the original row is 7 to 8 years old.