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The Perfect Acre: Dissecting Small Acre Plots

The question every small parcel hunter wants to know: What can I plant to bring in mature whitetail bucks? While every property is different, there is a basic plan that we like to use when setting up small properties for the first time.  1. 1/3 Triple P (Perennial mix containing clover, alfalfa, & chicory) 2. 1/3 Summer Annual followed by a fall plot with high spring regeneration.  3. 1/3 Fall Focused  ***Rotate 2 & 3 yearly, rotate Triple P every 3-5 years. Triple P/Perennial Triple P is where all food plotters should start. This perennial mix of clover, chicory, and alfalfa provides high tonnage of forage throughout the year. It can take high browse pressure through the growing season and...

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Forage Profile: Winfred Brassica

Winfred Brassica: A Full Season Forage Winfred Brassica is one of the most versatile varieties of forage brassica a deer hunter can plant. Winfred is a cross between kale and turnips, without the bulb. This profile gives Winfred an early season attractant as well as late season cold tolerance. Withstanding temps down to 5-10 degrees, it provides a hearty late season forage during harsh conditions. It is highly palatable and digestible due to its high leaf to stem ratio. Winfred can grow as tall as 4' with large paddle leaves and can withstand heavy grazing pressure better than most brassicas. Planting Instructions Maturity: 70-90 days Dates: August in Northern States, September in the South Seed Rate: 8-10 lb per acre,...

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Annual Clover: The Underrated Food Source For Deer Nutrition

When hunters think of clovers, generally its the perennial variety. The benefits of white and red clovers are phenomenal. Add in chicory and you have a high powered food source for 9+ months a year. But what about annual clovers? You'll see on our seed tags, we use a lot of annual clovers in our fall mixes. These clovers are an incredible nurse crop for brassicas and other nitrogen loving forages. Corn, Sunflowers, and Brassica mine a high amount of nitrogen from the soil. Lets take a look at 3 annuals that have high benefits for your soil and have high nutritional value for wildlife! Frosty Berseem Frosty Berseem has provided amazing results in our test plots. With quality protein...

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Herbicide Basics For Food Plots

Controlling weeds is a big key in successful food plots. To many weeds can easily choke out a plot that you've invested so much time and money into. Here are a list of a few herbicides you can use to have that beautiful plot you've always dreamed of! Glyphosate Commonly referred to as Roundup, this non-selective herbicide is the most commonly used product for food plot preparation. The term non-selective means it will kill any plant that it comes in contact with. Weeds must be actively growing for Glyphosate to be carried to the root system, which means spraying when weeds are 4-6'' in height is a great time for a successful kill. This herbicide will not remain active in...

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Food Plots: Expectations vs Reality

When planting food plots the expectation many have is that they will not only see more deer activity, but more mature bucks. If hunted properly this can be a realistic goal. However, when food plots become high pressured deer activity will shift to well after dark. Here are three examples of expectations we’ve heard that we are quick to shed some light on: Expectation: “My food plot will keep the deer from going to the neighbors.’’ Reality: Unless you’re hunting high fence deer, there is no such thing as a guarantee in the whitetail woods. Even the best habitat managers lose big bucks to their neighbors. Having a sanctuary bedding area along with unpressured food and water are the keys to...

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