News — Whitetail Deer RSS

Annual Plot Screening: Security Cover & Exit Strategy

Have you had a great looking plot go completely nocturnal by mid season? On many occasions, food plotters focus solely on providing a great food source but lack proper access to their stand locations. Other factors include security from roads, breaking up food plots to create continuous buck movement, and less stress on does when feeding in the plot. Here are a few examples of ways you can use screens on your property to increase security and deer movement. Entry/Exit Strategy Tree stand entry and exit strategy is a huge part of slipping into your stand undetected from whitetails in your food plots. It only takes a handful of mistakes for a mature whitetail to figure out your food source...

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Cell Cam Strategy: Change The Way You Hunt

How do you scout your deer throughout the season? For about 300 days a year, we run multiple cameras on our properties. The majority of our cams are set up on easy access routes, not disturbing the woods when we enter to change out SD cards. When we close in on hunting season, we focus our cams near our stand locations for quick SD card checks. But are we really seeing everything on our property? Why You Need a Cell Cam While many hunters have heard about cell cams, many haven't tapped into their potential. Until 2019, we didn't utilize cell cams solely based on price. As stated, we run multiple cameras averaging $140-$170 per camera. Hunting properties under 25...

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